Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Ok...I'm officially depressed...

So last night Jordan and I were relaxing watching TV. It's about 2 a.m. and we're watching some show about firefighters and our apt becomes pitch black. Crap! Our power goes out. Wait! No it doesn't the fan is still working. Oh, no! It's the TV! We franticly push the power button. Nothing happens. We unplug and then replug the TV. Nada. Yeah our TV is broken and we have a month to go, I've almost finished my project and I am sick of reading my stupid book. I don't know what I'm going to do. Stay tuned to see how whiney Kelly can get over the next month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I know! I know!" "Yes Jody?" "Come live with me!!!!"

I am bored out of my mind and I have a tv, just so you know I started scarpbooking but I haven't touched the stuff I got out in 3 days so I guess I really haven't done any scrapbooking. I am serious come live with me for a month. :) I will even cook. Hope things get better!