Thursday, July 20, 2006

Feast or Famine

So starting monday I began the interview process. I was supposed to interview with a company similar to Kohls called Winners. It didn't work out b/c they don't hire people with work permits. Grr...pretty annoyed b/c I traveled pretty far to get to this interview by cab so that I wouldn't look like a hot mess when I got there and the lady new I was American. I had to take the subway home which meant waiting for a bus for 1/2 an hour, ride one train for 30 min switch trains and then walk home. The store would be closer than the interview place, but it was still a bust.

I had a better interview on tuesday with St. Louis Bar and Grill which is the new restaurant opening up in our building. I had a call back today and I feel it went well. Hopefully, I will get a call by monday night with good news.

I also got a call today to interview with the Rogers Centre next week on Thursday. Wish me luck. I really want the St. Louis job and I hope it will work out.

Jordan is getting hit with a lot of stuff work wise. He had a long day yesterday. This is a big series against the Yankees. JB will be super busy for the next month. He is not going to the next road trip starting monday-wednesday luckily, but then he will be gone again on wednesday. My mom and Liz will be here for a visit on thursday. YEAH! Pretty excited about that.

Well, that's all for now. I'll keep you posted on the job front. Later gators!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Feeling old...

Today I went to the gym and was having a hard time getting going on the treadmill. I heard some people playing volleyball and I asked them if I could join them. We got a game going and I had a good time, but I got tired very quickly! : ( I remember playing several games on a saturday in high school and now I was tired after an hour. It was fun though. They play every sunday night so I might join them from now on.

Toronto is going crazy by the way after Italia's win today in the World cup. Fans watched the game from the Rogers Centre in the Blue Jays absence. Little Italy here in Toronto is still packed with people in the streets celebrating at 11 pm.

Tomorrow Barkley and I get our Jordan back! He will get home late in the afternoon and we're pretty excited about it. He has 4 days off! Yeah! Later gators..

Saturday, July 08, 2006

A walk in the park...

Barkley led me on a long walk this afternoon. Usually he just meanders around the courtyard and then heads back to the front door, but this day he decided we would have an adventure. I took him down by the lake one time, but he remembered and led the way.

He doesn't seem to mind all of the traffic and the noisy streetcars and he's careful not to step on the trolley rails as he takes his sweet time crossing the street. We arrived at the lake and he was in heaven, smelling the wonderful murky smells of Lake Ontario. It took forever for us to travel a block b/c someone couldn't stop sniffing everything in sight.

We stumbled upon a wedding taking place under this beautiful arch-way in the musical gardens. It was really pretty. The bridesmaids wore black dresses which was very pretty against the white bridal gown.

We returned home when Barkley showed signs that he had had enough. He sat on the couch for 1/2 an hour panting like a mad man with his tongue on the floor, but he loved every minute of it.

In other news, the cavalier is gone. My parents sold it tonight to a young girl and her dad. It's there problem now. I wish I could do an ode to it like I did with the Buick bomber, but I can't think of any redeeming qualities that the car possesses. Sorry Jordan! You don't have luck with cars.

-The Cavy as Jordan so affectionately called it didn't start this whole winter.
-I was repulsed by it after spending a week in it cross country with no air and four people.
-The radio nob fell off in your hand when you pushed the button.
-It had a little stink factor, yes're a pig with your cars!
-The windshield was a little distorted when you looked through it.
-It started overheating and letting off steam at the Canada/US border the time we got kicked out of Canada. (If you don' t know the story ask, it's a good one.)

I can't say I'll miss it, but it is weird to say that we don't own a car now. All I know is my dad is happy to be rid of our vehicles so he doesn't have to do any more maintenance on them!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Canada Day

Saturday was our second year of experiencing Canada day vs Fourth of July. I can't believe it.

I went to the Blue Jays game with Eve, the phillies writer's wife. They gave away foam Canada flags. After the game they closed the dome and then they had a fireworks show. It was pretty good. The best one I've seen since I've been in Canada.

We went to an international festival that had a bunch of different booths. They also had food from different countries. We had some really awesome churros.

When the guys were done at work we went out for dinner.

On Sunday I went to the Hard Rock Cafe with Eve and we watched the Blue Jays game in there (Not on tv, through the windows that overlook the field.) We went to the movies and saw The Devil Wears Prada which I would recommend. When I got home my poor hubby was still working and was until 2 pm. He got up at 4:30 to go and catch a flight to Texas where he is now.

Barkey is missing Jordan as well. Poor pooch. He was hiding under the bed. (Jordan said he was looking for him) and he scared the crap out of me when he started barking in the middle of the night for no reason.

I am very jealous of my families 4th of July plans. They are all at the beach and I'm sure they will be enjoying the fireworks later. Happy Fourth of July everyone!