Monday, May 08, 2006

End of an era....

It was a sad day in the Sutton and Bastian households yesterday. My dad was trying to sell Jordan's Cavalier and ended up selling my Buick instead! This is incredibly stupid and I can't believe I am admiting this to anyone but immediate family, but I am sad! I have had the car since 2000 -- almost as long has I have had Jordan. My Grandpa Hershel gave the car to me in August of my senior year and thus started the feud between Kyle and I. He said he was supposed to get the car, not me. I'm waiting for him ask for his cut.

I have a lot of funny memories of that car. I used to be "extra" cool and had KDAWG10 liscence plates on it. I would wash it every week in the summer like it was a Corvette or something. Before I was done my pops would wander down the street and take a look at it and say, "It never looked this clean even when it was new! Maybe I should take it back!" I took it to college loaded down with my gear in it. I took my new roommates to Wal-mart in it and was embarasssed when it started to shake uncontrollably ( it needed a new tranny, 1st car owner repair). It was there for me every always started. Adventures in hubcaps! It smelled like my Grandpa's pipe which is an oddly comforting smell. It didn't look so great at the end, but it was a great car underneath. I'm going to miss my first car. Sniff, sniff! Here's one last look for everyone.

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