Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Going to the Islands....

The Toronto Islands that is! We tried again today to head to the islands, but unlike yesterday we were successful this time. We traveled by subway and arrived at the ferry dock. We took the 10 min boat ride across the lake to the Islands. The water was very calm and I was very thankful for that. The last time I was on a boat like that I did not have a good experience. I get motion sickenss rather easily and the thought of getting on a boat again was not very inviting. This time went much smoother. I did not feel ill at all. The trip was very quick which helped.

When we got there we decided to rent bikes and ride around. Before we got there we stopped off at a hedge maze and explored around inside for a bit. When we got to the bike rental place and they handed us our bikes I had to chuckle a little. They were very old fashioned bikes. The handle bars curved up excessively and the only way to stop was to push the petals backwards like a small childs bike. It was funny. Nothing like the bikes I have been riding with my parents on the trails in Glenwood back home. Jordan hadn't been on a bike since 8th grade/Freshman year of high school. The bikes didn't have any gears and mine was really squeaky, but it was still fun. My legs are really tired now after our long walk around the city yesterday and the biking from today.Here is a picture of our wonderful bikes. Other people rode tandems and quadricicles too which were funny looking.

We biked all around the island. When we got to the far west end we arrived at the place where Babe Ruth hit his only minor league homerun when he was 19 years old. There wasn't a stadium or a statue like we imagined we'd see by the symbol they had on the map. There was a small little plaque screwed to a rock in some woodsy/weedy area. We laughed outloud when we saw it. I took Jordans picture anyway. At least we'll see some better stuff on Friday when we head to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. Yeah, USA I can't wait. We're going there after Thursday when we go to Niagra Falls.

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