Monday, December 05, 2005


Ok, Jody. I finally have a free minute to update my blog. Here is what has been going on up here in St. Joe:

Jordan got offered a job as the Toronto Blue Jays beat writer for ( He put in his two weeks notice at the paper he currently works at on Friday. We won't have to move until late January, early February. We will be going to Florida for a month for Spring Training. I have gone to spring training the last two years and it is lots of fun. Jordan is so excited. We need to make plans to go up there and find a place to live.

Jordan's car is in better working order now, but mine is out of commision now. I went home yesterday to help trim my parents tree and when I pulled into the driveway my dad smelled gas coming from my car. My gas line was leaking and at any minute if it caught a spark my car could have been a flaming fireball. I'm so glad we went home. Jordan's wonderful sister Lynn is letting us borrow her van until my dad fixes it. So for now I look like a soccer mom.

Yesterday like I said I helped my parents put up their tree. I got all of my ornaments and some lights and tinsel. All I need now is a tree. Hopefully this weekend we can get that accomplished and then decorate it.

Jordan has been working on our Christmas cards. Yes, my husband did our cards....I am so spoiled. All I have to do is address them.

My parent came up on sat. and we went shopping. Jordan finally got his suit that my mom promised him for his birthday....yeahs he got a new birthday suit. ha ha.

Jordan and I went out to see Pride and Prejudice. It was really good. I finally got to see a chic movie.

Well, that's all for now. I'll catch ya later. Good luck with all of your christmas shopping. I'm about 1/2 done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...The crowd goes wild and together they say... THANKYOU KELLY!!! Its about time you updated! Don't foget its phone night.. if you ever read this page :)