Sunday, November 09, 2008

A long absence....

Yes, it's been awhile. My husband has been nudging me back to blogging. I suppose I'll start back today but I can't promise any frequency.

I've been working at a new running plan for the past two weeks. Jordan outlined this routine to me and I'm not going to admit that it is easy to follow. My legs and well honestly the rest of my body have been hurting quite a bit, but the payout is well worth the pain and fatigue. Here is the plan that I have been running:

Sunday- 5 mile run
Monday-1 hr cardio/abs
Tuesday-2 miles/abs
Wednesday-4 miles/abs
Thursday-Play volleyball
Friday-3 miles/abs
Saturday-DAY OFF

I'm working towards running a 1/2 Marathon next year. I haven't decided the race yet it is to be decided. I've completed 2 weeks of the program and the running will increase after 4 weeks. I have also been running with Jordan's watch and foot pod to help track my pace. It's interesting to see how slow/fast you go on a run. Well, time for dinner.


Melissa said...

Way to go Kelly. I'm glad Jordan's not my trainer. Love ya lots. Keep up the great work!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy Moly its about time you showed back up here. Good for you with all that running!!! I could never do it. But I have thought about walking a 1/2 marathon. Maybe we could do that together someday. But walking outside is sooo cold that is why I Jazzercise! But I can hardly do it more then 2x a week because of Dylan and Aaron..stupid boys. I am going to try and do more. If you can I can!! Way to go Sister!