Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Running in the Rain

Yesterday I went for my usual run around the neighborhood, but there was nothing usual about it. I was probably about 1/2 way through it, which means I was at the farthest point from my home when it started to downpour. Yes, with no escape I had to run the last mile and a 1/2 or so in the rain. At first I was irritated but after a couple minutes I couldn't help but laugh at myself. I was soaked all the way through and my gym shoes are still wet this morning. There were people sitting on their porches laughing at me. Two little kids were looking out there front door and screaming whoa look how wet she is. The worst thing was, that right before it rained I was running the hardest I had so far and I was about to slow down and walk a little, but with the rain I had to run. It actually made for a good workout although it did get a bit difficult at the end w/ my shoes sloshing with every step. Oh, well at least I made people laugh yesterday.

I feel special. Both of my brothers are offering to take me back to Canada after I go home. I haven't decided which one to go with because one means I leave Canada on the 24th and return on the 31st and the other means I come back on the 5th or 6th. We'll see.

Today Jordan took our car in to be fixed. He drove there and ran back. What a trooper. It was 3.36 miles back. It turned out to be the o-ring on the thermastat, dad. They said it was the wrong size or something. They said they'd get to it today and we should have our car back this afternoon. Nothing major which is a very good thing.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for all the comments people. I really appreciate the feedback.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I was laughing at the thought of you running in the rain and the kids comment. I think it's great that you guys are keeping up with your fitness. You both looked so awesome on your wedding day. Keep up the good work and try not to get too wet.

Love ya,