Wednesday, July 13, 2005

There is no can't...

Today, Jordan and I decided to head out on our run earlier than usual. We had to get out of our apartment before we suffocated from the heat. We ran our normal route, but we kicked it up a notch from what I usually run at. I have a big problem with running....yes I know, I do it all the time. So how, you might wonder, could I possibly have a problem with it? It's not that my body is not in shape -- I have lost 40 lbs. since January and I am feeling better than I have since high school. So what's the deal you ask? It's my mental attitude. I defeat myself before I even begin.

When I have someone pushing me it's much easier to keep going b/c you don't want to look bad. On the other hand when you're by yourself you're more prone to let up and take the easy way out. The only one it hurts is me. I get less out of the workout, feel guilty, and have wasted the time I set aside to exercise. It's not the time you work out, but the intensity.

Jordan pushes me hard when we run. As a former cross country runner, he knows how to push through his mental road blocks and get past the "point of no return" in order to get the most out of his run. Slowly I am learning to push past my own self doubt and can't-do-it-attitude.

As a reward for our good run and a precaution against passing out we are going to the pool at the Goulding Community Centre, which is a couple blocks away. I called there today and they said it's FREE! I am so pumped to jump in the refreshing water and we don' t have to drive all the way to the beach. Well, we're off to get pruney!

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